Monday, January 18, 2010


What I learned today in Legal Profession:

My professor is the shiz. Her diet includes eating a bucket of lawyers for breakfast, only to spit and reserve their ligaments for lunch. Nothing is tastier, except for a warm burrito.

When she was young, she would amuse herself by playing her cassette tape overnight, probably rewinding the thing each time by hand. She must be the first emo ever to be published in SCRA. Maybe she must have been so busy being emo during her teens she never had enough time to grow her bangs. Just maybe.

Lately, she prison-hops for leisure. On a good day, she gets to free 4 inmates out of prison. She's so hardcore even Chuck Norris volunteered to be her bitch.

Good times. Another lesson learned.

1 comment:

Suck it up good, bitches.